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Flood Insurance for your home or business
Nearly 20% of flood insurance claims come from moderate to low risk areas. Just because you haven't experienced a flood in the past doesn't mean you won't in the future. Just one inch of water can cost you thousands of dollars in damage. Homeowners Insurance does not typically cover flooding. We can help secure a policy for your home or business.
Typically, a flood insurance policy takes 30 days to go into effect.
How is Flood Insurance Premium determined?
FEMA’s new Risk Rating 2.0 has been the biggest change to the National Flood Insurance Program since it started. Rates now reflect your property's flood risk based on flood frequency, flood types, and distance to water.
What are Personal Flood Insurance Coverages Available?
An NFIP policy offers protection for both building and contents loss. The maximum limits available through the NFIP are:
Building coverage up to $250,000, and contents coverage up to $100,000 for One- to Four-Family Residential Properties
Contents coverage up to $100,000 for Renters
Building coverage up to $500,000, and contents coverage up to $100,000 for Other Residential Buildings with 5+ units
Building coverage up to $250,000 per unit, and contents coverage up to $100,000 for Residential Condominium Building Associations
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